COViD 4740 - Available on CD
A concept Album containing 21 original tracks unique to COViD from the postcode 4740 Mackay Australia & includes a 12 page booklet for context of stories behind the songs.
The Concept Album is inclusive of 19 local Artist, Genres and Cultural backgrounds.
Artists - Amelia and the Grizzly, Bella McKenzie, Black Coral, Brad Butcher, Frank Paul, Gayle Clifford, Geoff Sabian, Jaspal Cheema, Jonte, Kiara & Kell, Lyndon Francis, Margaret Ross & John Ward, Max Davis, Mick Woodbridge, Mitch Hagger, Natasha Hardiman / Gypsy Soldiers, Subservia , Troy Greatz & Viper Syndicate.
Genres include – Aboriginal traditional, Americana, Blues, Country, Commercial rock, Experimental, Folk, Funk, Grunge rock, Indian traditional Bollywood, Instrumental, Indie, Percussion compositions, Poet, Pop, Punk rock, South Sea Island traditional, Soul & Singer song writer.
Proceeds of CD sales are a fundraiser for Support Act (Mental Health & Well Being service provider for the Arts Industry of Australia) , the ALIVE Project (Youth suicide prevention) , and Canteen Australia.
Price - $20.00 AUD + $2 Postage and handling - Email [email protected] to place your order.
Creativity has been a stalwart of hope since the beginning of time. Anyone who creates; artists, musicians, poets, comedians, finger painting - beaded neckless makers, sand castles builders or beating a drum brings harmony to the world.